Hey, hey, hey! Welcome to my website! And here's a bit about myself.
root@raspberrypi:~ $
Hi! I'm BonzaiDev, a programmer intrested in various fields in programming and tech.
I especially enjoy working on games, but I also enjoy working on websites, bots, and other tech related projects, like 3D renders or animations.
I am also currently looking forward to document all my projects on YouTube.
Want to know more about my skills and experience?
Here's some of the skills that I have acquired over the years!
Python is a high level programming language mainly used for automation.
HTML is used to create webpages like this one!
CSS is used to style a webpage. It makes the webpage look epic!
React is a framework for making websites.
Typescript is basically Javascript but with types!
Lua is a highlevel programming language that is simple and easy to use.
Unity is a popular game engine.
Blender is a free software that allows you to make 3D models, CGI, video editing, and more!